Saturday, October 21, 2006


6 more days until I see Mac-daddy, Erica, April, Carly and Gmom and Pops!!!!!!

My family!!!!!!!

You don't know how excited I am to see somebody I love so much. I can't begin to explain the joy. I already feel like I can't sleep ....

maybe that's because the neighbors upstairs are making so much noise...

Alright. I seriously had 2.5 hours of sleep last night. I am going to dream of seeing my FAMILY!!!!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006


So Matt and I visited a new church was way cool. It was real small (maybe 100 people tops) compared to the church we've been going to...700-1,000 people. I liked it much better and I felt like the Pastor was actually preaching from the bible...not just using stories to teach with a verse here or there to back it up. He said something yesterday that really stuck out to me.. he said "If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards". Interesting., you know how many areas of my life I can apply that to right now? All of them.

For the apartment. If I'm not cleaning, it's just getting messier.
If I'm not exercising, I'm gaining weight.
If I'm not spending time with Jesus, I'm not growing any.

It was pretty cool. Made me think. It also was cool that for filling out a visitors card we [both] got a $5 gift card to s'bux (that's starbucks) now I can get my Caramel Apple Cider I have been dreaming of since the weather turned cold and grey. I only like cold and grey weather if I can drive around and see peoples white christmas lights shining through the windows, or outside on their houses. Colored christmas lights are awful- I hate them. White ones only, people. Although I have thought of getting blue ones for my tree to go with all my snowmen and blue Christmas decor. Anyhoo...

This month I get to see Granmommy and Pops who I haven't seen since my wedding! To make it better, Maclerica (that's Maclaren and Erica) are going to be there and April and Carly, too! ( i hope?!!). I am so excited to see my family! I miss my brother and sisters so much. ANd neice. And grandparents. And pretty much everybody who isn't in Oklahoma.

Today is productive...I've already changed the sheets on the bed, cleaned up (almost), got dinner in the crock, what else...? Ah relaxing.

That's all for now, folks! Tune in next time..

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Our new car...its a 2000 Dodge Neon...we named him Nemo for obvious reasons...('s orange..). I love him!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

If anybody reads this..

I just wanted to say to please keep Grandma Ruthie (Matt's grandmom) in your prayers. We put her in the hospital Saturday cause she was real sick. They are thinking she has pneumonia and possibly a pulminary embolism which is a blood clot in her lungs. They are treating her for both problems and she is getting better every day, but if you can remember to pray for her recovery please do! And pray for the sanity of all of us while we wait for Gma to get better and try to live our lives also. Especially for Matt's momma cause she has the munchkins to care for and Gma always helped her so much and right now she can't....sooo yeah, that is all.