Well, this is going to be a crazy week! Mattie finally starts his EMT school, so he will be gone T, W, and Thursday nights from 6-10. What's great here is I work until about 5:30 soo...I wont be seeing him at least 3 days a week. (I really don't think thats great, it was sarcasm in case you missed it...). And dont ask why I abbreviated T, and W, and not Thursday. Thats just the way I wanted it...
Also on Tuesday my favorite Mary in the whole wide world gets into Tulsa from Peru!!!! I havent seen Mary since February and she is my bestest friend here so yay!!! We are all glad to have her and her husband back.
I think I've gained about 10 pounds since we've been housebound from ice...I had sent Mattie to the store to get bread, soy milk...he comes back with oreos and a humongous cookie cake. Thats my husband..he cant ingore the sugar side of life...
Umm....school is going good. Remember my nutty nutrition professor that I mentioned last post? Well, i had my new one yesterday- and he wore spandex pants to class with a t-shirt. I was worried the whole class his t-shirt would ride up and I would see a sight I do not want to see. You know what I mean. I guess it's just int he rule book for nutritionists to be sort of weird...maybe I would fit right in...
On another note, I am desperately wanting to be in NC when Olivia appears in this world. But, situations (money, school, 1, 125 miles) say differently so I guess I am stuck here until possibly next Christmas. Unless a free plane ticket and money to cover a week of work fall from the sky.
No, that was not a plea for you to send me money.........i was just talking.
Well friends, I have another blog for pics taht I havent used in FOREVER but I am putting some on of mattie and me in the ice storm if you wanna take a gander. Here is the link:
http://www.mypassionpics.blogspot.comOff to do homework!