Upon arrival of my 24th birthday, I started thinking about my life and evaluating my actions, who I am, what am I doing...
and I decided that I wasn't really acting like an adult. Or, thats the best I could come up with anyway.
I look back on our past two years here...and most of them have been spent at Grandma Ruthies house, eating dinner, watching tv, running around with Matt's mom....seeing Matt's family more than seeing Matt. We started bickering about EVERYTHING and stopped hanging out in the bedroom near as much (if ya know what I mean.)
So, this last month, Matt and I decided that we would go to Grandma's no more. We will go say hey every now and then, but no more eating there, staying all night, etc etc..
And can I just say how much our marraige has changed in the past two weeks since we havent been over there? I mean, I am coming home from work..Cooking dinner, we are eating together at our table, Matt is helping me wash dishes, I am keeping the apartment clean, we are HANGING OUT TOGETHER and we havnet bickered once I dont think!!
I feel like we were so...dependent on Grandma and matts mom without even knowing it. And now I feel free and I dont even want to go over there. I love my life with my husband, I love sitting by him on the couch and dreaming with him, cooking him dinner and ironing his EMSA uniforms...
This whole housewife/adult jungle is different from the jungle I allowed myself to be in these past two years...but I love it. its a much more relaxing place to be.
My Norman Rockwell
15 years ago