Monday, May 12, 2008


I remember thinking as a kid that I can't wait for April and Timmy to have kids, so that I can be an aunt. The day April called me to tell me she was pregnant I thought I had died and gone to heaven. I remember running around my college campus telling everybody I knew (and didn't know) that I was gonna be an aunt. I don't know what about aunthood was so exciting to me..I just know that I couldn't wait.
And then when I saw that little Carly girl for the first was awesome!!! I was just overwhelmed with this huge responsibility to be such an example for her. To love her like I would love my own kids. To lead by example. To get on the floor and play with her. To let her know how much her aunt loves her. To do all I can to build trust and a relationship with her that will cary into her adult life. The same for Olivia. I wish so bad that I could live in Anniston near my sweetie girls. I want to be able to have a welcoming home, that they can come to after a hard, dramatic day at school and them be able to talk to their Aunt Spazzy about it. I want to have slumber parties with them. I want to be a constant person in their life. I'm fortunate enought that I have been able to go down to Anniston about every three months...fortunatley for Olivia that means Matt gets to come, and he is all she cares about. But I think it's great.

I dunno what the point of this post was. I just felt like getting it out there.