Monday, September 11, 2006

Mo money, mo problems..

Yes Puff Daddy and Notorious B.I.G. said itbest...the more money you come across, the more problems you see.

Soo...I think our computer is biting the dust. My year old laptop bit the dust a couple months back. Matt's approx. 5 year old Dell laptop has lasted forever...until now...suddenly the screen keeps blinking and then just going completely blank. No amount of jiggling the mouse brings it back. Today I had to reboot it and then 5 mins later it did it again. Soo basically we are probably going to have to buy a new computer. Can we do this? Yes, but if we do then that uses our money to go to Fayetteville for Christmas. I have to go to NC for Christmas. It's the one time a year we're all together. Also my bra's have decided to fritz out on me and all the elastic has come loose. I also need new clothes. I also need Season 2 of the Office when it comes out tomorrow. Oh yeah, I also need an eye exam and new glasses. We need $$ people and we dont have enough for all that we need.

So here's what I'm askin you to do....pray that we can trust God for Provision. Or for money to magically appear in our mailbox. That would be super sweet. Just pray. That's all.

In other news....Henry's final adoption date is Friday and I am invited to his celebration lunch afterwards. That's kinda cool. I will know nobody there and probably feel pretty awkward but he's my little buddy....I have to go. I hadn't seen him since Thursday and when I got here today he looked more like a little boy and less like a baby. It made me a little sad. Babies grow up so fast you miss so much if you don't stop and watch! I seriously cannot wait until I have a kid. I want one so bad. I am so ready to be a momma. What a joy!

Ummm....that's all. This is a busy week for Mattie so I wont really see him until Friday night. Ah well.


AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

i really really really want to put carly in mom's day out so i can get some of my life under control. i was having a great day yesterday, feeling awesome and everything and then the lady from weecare called me back and told me how much the price was and there is no way we could afford it and it's just got me down amy! i'm so stinking depressed about it. i get all panicky thinking about having carly and another baby all the time and joel being not helpful at all. not that he doesn't help but he seems to hate taking carly off of my hands in general. unless its to take her to a soccer game and show her off which is convenient for him. argh. frustrated in fayetteville.

Ames said...

im sorry alupulla i would come help you if i could. you see that aint happening. i will pray that God will provide a way for you.

AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

amy! i'm so sad about leslie. i think about it all the time, prolly cause i'm preggers. i wish you were here. i wish i was having the baby already then you would be here. or if you just moved here you'd be here too. i need to come see you. that's what needs to happen.

Ames said...

yes I want you to come see me so bad. I want to see you. I miss you lotso my sistero. :(( I cried a little when I hung up with you today cause I wanted my sister.