Monday, April 09, 2007


While searching a totally unrelated website today, I was directed to, which directed me to apartments for rent in tulsa...which directed me to an answer to prayer.

And that would be an apartment for $450 a month, with all bills pay, which is exactly what Matt and I have been praying for.

It is a garage apartment, which means we would be downsizing a LOT, but I am okay with that. I actually want to downsize. I am tired of having so much, there is an attic that we can store stuff in.

THis place is really nice too. New pergo floors, new paint, it just looked really cute. The bills even include cable (which we dont even have!) and WIFI internet!

I just pray this is still available (it was posted march 13) and that we can do this! Pray with me! If we move here it would free up about 200 dollars a month which would really help towards paying off our debt.

1 comment:

Erica said...

yay for cheap apartments.
we are looking n to moving on up:)
we are crammed and i cant deal with messes and well when you dont have storage and too much stuff guess what you get, a mess.
miss ya, can't wait to see you!