Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My God is so big

So strong and so mighty, there's nothing my God cannot do..

Remember that song? Thats what I am singing right now. Why? Well..drumroll please...

The apartment leasing company settled on giving us $2400 to pay for the damages to our car!!!! THis means we dont have to claim it on insurance, we dont have to pay our 500 dollar deductible and we dont have to pay the 50 extra bucks a month taht would increase our insurance! And that means GOD ANSWERED OUR PRAYERS!

We were singing a song in church on sunday and I was just closing my eyes, and I felt like I heard God just telling me "Stop worrying. It's going to be okay. Why cant you just trust me?" and I replied with "Cause it's so hard. Money doesnt exactly flow from volcanoes around here in case you hadn't noticed..." And He said "I noticed. But you made 30 dollars yesterday, how bout giving that to me?" "But I need that for grocerys this week, Lord.." " me, I will take care of you". "sigh...Okay...". So, I gave my money up. And i felt just this sense of peace and encouragement. And look, everything IS okay. WHy is it so easy to trust God when everything is good, but when it's "nopt good", it's so hard? I'm listening to that Overcoming Impossibilites that mom had me's awesome!!

But I am just so excited! Matt has been needing new tires and brakes. And his whole backside of his car fixed. We found a mechanic here who will find use parts and hopefully fix our car for $1000, that leaves us $1400 left for 300 dollar tires and like 75 dollar brake discs. SCORE FOR US AND PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! add to the post. Mattie just called me and..we've found this apartment for $450 a month, water trash sewer is paid..its' 900 square feet and has a SUN ROOM!!!!!!!!! ie...a room full of windows which has been my dream for...FOREVER. MOm you can come be a lizard with me. This apartment is darling and we are going to look at it Friday afternoon. I pray this works out's cheaper then our rent now, and bigger than our apartment now...its just perfect.


Anonymous said...

Wow those are amzing testimonies. Hey what is going on with Henry?

Anonymous said...

hey read the post below about henry.

Erica said...

yay for bigger apartments! I can't wait to see you in um, 6 days:) Also, I am giong to come down the eighteenth to help watch the we wil finally get to spend time together:)

CashelBrae said...

wow, that is awesome Amy-God is faithful to provide that is FORSURE!
I hope your having a great time with your family....

I want to go to that concert in B'ham on the 23rd.... Just have to figure out what to do with my chilins! ;)