This bumper sticker has always bothered me......It sounds so..seclusive? When I see it just makes me want to puke. I mean what kind of message is that sending to men who dont love jesus? That they arent a man? It just seems so rude to me. I don't see anywhere in the Bible that says you aren't a man if you don't love Jesus. Maybe it does, but I don't recall ever seeing anything like that. I studied the New and Old testament in College, and dont once remember focusing on the fact that loving Jesus makes you a man. A man to me is a mature male who does what he can to take care of and provide for his family, who loves his family, doesn't act like a child and isn't irresponsible. Sure, I would prefer a man who loves Jesus, but on my list of what makes a man a man, that isn't like the only qualification.
I dunno, I guess it just bothers me all these little "Christian" sayings we have. Some of them seem so demeaning to those who choose not to's just embarrasing sometimes.
My Norman Rockwell
15 years ago
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