And I thought he looked pretty darn good in this pic, so I figured I'd show him off to the world. He's lost 25 pounds since February and he's bulking up with muscle again. Of course, I always thought he looked good but ya know, the musclier the better. Haha only kidding....just wanted to brag on my good lookin hubby.
I hope my little boys look like him!
yeah, matt's actually really good at drawing. all the artwork in our apartment except for one peice is his. too bad ya cant come over and look at it. he mainly likes "native american" art. Oklahoma is a biiiig indian state so that's cool.
and yeah, we shave his head like once a month. its hot as heck in the summer time, plus I think he looks like bruce willis (in his own special way) with his head shaved. :)
amy that's funny!! id ont know if he looks like Bruce, but he is definitely good looking! I can't wait to see you guys at the wedding.. it's getting closer and Carly was so sweet to Maclaren and Erica, especially Mac when they were here last weekend. She gave him a ten minute hug when he came in and i'm not kidding. she just sat down on him and hugged and after she was done hugging she settled in on his lap leaning back on him. she doesn't do that with us!! it was super sweet.
well dang, if she remembers mac and hugs him forever then she HAS to remember spassy and how hard we played in december.
i am so excited to see you guys i miss you like mad.
he may not look like bruce int he pic, but sometimes he makes these faces that look a lot like him, i think.
but I also thought that jonathon brandis was cute, so we shouldnt trust my judgement too much now should we??
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