Yes...I've been bit by the baby bug. Don't these little shoes make you want one too? Sorry for the visible fuzz on there....oh well. The shoes are still the cutest little things I've seen in a long time...and yes, they are for Carly. Don't get excited thinking I've bought them for my own child, cause we've already worked it out that we're having boys first (and by saying that, I'm automatically sealing my fate that I will now have 10 girls....ah well, a kid is a kid right? haha)
hah sure thing, les.
i can't wait to write about being pregnant!
actually, you can join matt and I in prayer. we are trying to plan the hows/whats/whens of baby sooooo......gahhh i cant wait to have my own! but I guess for now Carly will have to do, which isnt bad because she's practicaly perfect in every way- much like mary poppins herself...
I know the feeling Ames, I know that baby bug bite all too well. Man! I want one soooooo bad!!!!
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