That is what I titled the picture. I decided to start titling my "work"...perhaps I will do a whole series of satisfactions....hmmm....if only I could find a way to sell my pics that would be awesome. If I was more well known, I could sell that above pic for 50 bucks at the minimum. OUr church had an auction and a guy was selling his picture of a tree in a field for 600 dollars. Come on, I can do that. Easy. I really love taking pictures of things. Do many people take a bite out of their sandwich and think "wow what a cool composition?" I don't think so. I really think I could do this if I knew what door to put my foot in. Everywhere I go I see pictures in my mind, I really do. It's weird but I'm always like...dang I wish I had my camera right now. Thankfully I now have a digital, but I now want a bigger purse so that it's easier to carry around..........I love purses almost as much as photography.
I called about 2 jobs today. One as a nanny and one working at a Chiropractors office. Apparently the Nanny place was already closed before 4, and the Chrio place couldn't get ahold of the lady I needed to talk to. So, I left messages at both knowing I probably wont get a call back. But alas, the search continues. Oh yeah, I did see this ad in the classifieds for "researchparticipants.com"...apparently companies get them to hire people to test out products and fill out all sorts of papers on them before they hit the market or something. Kinda like market research. ANyhoo, it pays $12.50 an hour, and there will be one in Tulsa June 1st and 2nd. The days last from 7 am to 7pm, but for 12.50 an hour to test a product I think I can handle that. I went to the website and everything and it looked legit to me, so we will see. I mean they make you fill out a w-2/tax forms and a payroll company pays you so it sounds okay to me...matt and I are hoping it works out because that would fund our trip to St. Louis the first weekend of July....and we reaaaaally want to go to st. louis. So there..
I feel like I am going to hurl. It's not a good feeling.
In high school, Matt played football and participated on the school's weightlifting team. He basically broke his back trying to lift almost 600 pounds (yes I mean to have 2 zeros..). He hurt is back pretty bad and the injury keeps coming back to haunt him every 6-8 months or so. So, he is taking off work today and the rest of the week to rest his back. He is feeling really guilty because these 3 days are coming out of his vacation time which in turn cuts the time with my family short. I'm a little sad about it but I want his back to be okay. He basically lost his last job because of his back sooo...we don't want that happening again.
Please pray that I can find a job that I will enjoy, and also for Matt to find something less strenuous on his back. That would really be nice.
Who's ready for the Lost season finale??! I am!
1 comment:
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