These little fellas live in our apartment complex. We have big retention ponds everywhere (like a hole dug in the earth to hold water) because it floods real bad. Whenever we get a good rain, puddles of water form in the retention pond and the ducks come to play. They were sleeping under this tree all day and so I went to take a pic of them and of course they started moving. There is also a brown Momma duck with a little tiny baby duck that follows it everywhere. I tried getting a pic of them, but they were actually faster than I was and ran away....the pic was too far away sooooo....
I have a problem. It's like, I really want to make friends, and I have some girls I can call and hang out with but when it comes right down to it i just don't want to. I am notorious for backing out of dinners and things.....it's like I want friendships and then I end up like sabotoging (sp?) the friendships that I do have. Why?? It's like I'm really extroverted and really introverted at the same time. But whatever....I did go out on a limb and invite a couple over for dinner Thursday night and then go see a movie. I can handle that.
We had a yard sale this weekend. It was rather successful, as far as yard sales goes. I mean they are hit or miss, and ours was a hit, so that's nice.
Well laundry has been awaiting me for 2 days now...perhaps I should put it up..
1 comment:
It took me a while to form friendships here in PA. I am the type of person who loves a small knit of close friends, rather than tons of superficial friends. But I found with living here it took some effort. If you ask my friends from high school and college, I am not the best at keeping up with them. That is probably why I have such a small group of super close friends. They're the ones who do a good job of keeping in touch. I use to pray for God to send me close friends here. Then I realized that to get a friend I have to be a friend. That means reaching out, even when you don't feel like it. So, good for you for going out with that couple. Just remember that it takes time and not every person you come into contact with will be your close friend. The friends we have made here we click with them as well.
We have tons of ducks around here, they actually have duck crossing signs all over the place. It can hold up traffic. Jenny
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