Tuesday, May 23, 2006

2 down, tons more to go

Well, my precious little neice is gonna be 2 years old on Saturday. I can't even believe it....It's seems like just yesterday she was this little:
I am loving her being "grown up" now because she keeps calling me and it is hilarious to talk to her. She called today and kept giggling and saying "I know, I know". It was so funny....and she sounded just like April. I cant wait to have a little cousin for Carly to play with, boss around, all the things that the oldest child does...

I am sick as a dog this week. Some kinda bug is going around...I must have gotten it from Matt's little sisters, who got it from their ballet/gymnastics friends. It's not fun, I can say that.

I might not be going to Peru afterall. It turns out mary has to have her wedding later than planned and if I am planning on getting a job I dont want to have to take off time for most of July and then again in august. SO we will see. Matt's mom was trying to make me feel guilty about it last night but I told her just to get over it and that Mary will getmarried whether I am there or not. I told Matt last night I have had my fill of his family, and now I want a good dose of my family. If only you all didn't live in stupid Fayettevile....I hate that town. It traps you in. It weighs you down. I just dont like it.

But I want to be near my family, so I am praying that we can move back haha! Only praying so dont get your hopes up, Ape. We will see and do whatever God wants soooo.....

Matt is coming home for lunch, perhaps I should change out of my pj's............nah, I'm sick, your allowed to be a bum.


AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

I said to my mother in law on the phone the other day, "well I need to go put my face on before Joel comes home so he doesn't go screaming from the house. Plus I should probably clean up all the dead roaches before he gets here." She did NOT think that was funny. She actually ignored it entirely.
Amy, if you lived here you'd get sick of us too and then you'd just want a big dose of Matt's family all over again.

Ames said...

well thank God i didn't get the stomach bug. had it before and i think it's worse than what i have now. I think i just have a viral sinus thing. And a HUGE canker sore on the back of my throat. I keep getting them on my throat- should i be concerned?? they hurt like "hekka mad" (ahhhh that was for jon who never reads this).

I wil compare Matts family to dimatap, the medicine: it's so good at first (when your a kid) but after a while, it really tastes like medicine...gross.

I do love his family, but sometimes i just wish there was more here. something more exciting. I dunno...I just hate the ruts life gets stuck in sometimes. eat, sleep, love, go to bed. repeat. what else can we do?

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.