Wednesday, May 10, 2006

"Ya hear that? It's the winds of change..."

Well, so the deal is this:
If Mattie and I want to never have kids, rent a one bedroom apartment our whole lives, and be fine with our nice little lifesytle forever and ever amen, then we are set.

But we don't want that anymore. There is no way to have kids on Matt's salary. There is no way to get a house, or a bigger apartment. We cannot move up, at all, on his salary.

So what do we do? We've been praying lately about having kids, and we feel like we're ready. We want to. ( I KNOW!!!!). BUT how crowded will it be with Me, Mattie and a child in 725 sq. feet? Very. Matt's got a great job great benefits, 5 stinkin weeks of vacation a year (!!!) but really no chance for a raise other than 20 cents here or there....

So we're formulating a plan. We're looking into real estate investments. THe only way to move up is to try, right? We're thinkin about buying a duplex and renting out the other side, which would take care of the mortgage payment (cause you can rent a duplex for 650-700 easy here in tulsa). We would then have room and more financial freedom to have a little kid or two (or three or four...)... So we're reading books, we're talking to people, we're gonna make this work.

Yes, I could go get a job, but we both would only want me to work part time because I do so much here at the apartment, I study my stocks, I help drive the munchkins around for Grandma, ...I'm a busy girl. It's not like I sit here and watch soaps all day. (though I have been guilty of it a time or two). Plus, what would a part time job, with my minimal qualifications with no college degree get me? A retail job, selling shoes making minimum wage. Oh wait, I did that for 2 years.

So, all this to say,please pray for us. We are ready for a transition. We're ready to move, we're ready to have kids, but we cant just sit here and expect God to give us all that we need, we also have to help make it work. Pray for wisdom, knowledge, cooperative people, good attitudes, a healthy baby and pregnancy (when it comes)....etc etc...

I'm ready!

----- a little later after I posted this:
I feel I should say, this does not mean that we are currently trying to have a child. . And also, since I posted this, we've talked more about me getting a job. The thing is, getting the right one. There is one I am considering applying for, but you can keep that in your prayers as well. That if there is a job for me, I would find it, and Love it, etc etc


AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

wow. we will certainly pray for yoo. amy, does aunt kelli have yoor blog site? mite wanna send it to her...

Ames said...

i think so...she's commented before..?

Anonymous said...

just a word from someone who's full time job is real estate investment- it's not quite as easy as it seems. you'll need to have enough money to cover the mortgage payment because it's very likely that your renters will be late. you'll also need an emergency fund to fix any problems because you are obligated to keep up the residence that you are leasing out (so repairs are your responsibility)
this is not to discourage you, rather, just to encourage you to consider all of the factors as you are trying to determine what to do.

Anonymous said...

thanks rach. we're reading books, talking to other investors and stuff so we're not just going into this blindly. :)

AprilMarie Hawbaker said...

ames, it's an awesome direction in which yall are thinking! i know matt would be such a great property manager, he's so detail oriented and he'd maintain things really well AND he'd be choosy about renters. i'm proud of you guys for wanting to change your life to accomodate your goals and dreams!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Apes! I will tell Mattie. He really will be good, I think.