Tuesday, June 27, 2006

A post of value..

Sometimes the people in my life here make me want to pull out my hair.

None of Matt's family can understand or wrap their brains arount the fact that Matt and I are really going to make these stock classes work for us. We didn't pay money for the cd's or the classes to not do it. Nobody believes that we can do this. They reply with a "oh okay well when you become a multi-billionaire remember who your family is". They can't get out of their work mentality. Now I understand that people who haven't taken Gary's classes have a hard time grasping this anyway....but it's like whenever we mention it, they just shoot us down and leave us feeling discouraged thinking we can't do this. This makes Mattie and me want to move to a place where we are surrounded by people with the same ideas as us, and who will support us in our endeavors, not tear us down.

They (read: matts mom and grandmom) have a problem with how we want to raise our children. We had a big discussion the other night about how we want our kids to be self-sufficient when they are teenagers. My parents made us get jobs and pay for our own gas, our car insurance, buy our own clothes, we did our own laundry, we did most of what we needed. Matt's mom .....I dunno where she comes from. She basically said she doesn't agree with that, and because she works with kids with behavior problems she knows all that is best for children. How bout we raise our kids how we want, not how she wants. This also makes me want to move. Like for example...when we were having this discussion, Matt said "Like if my kid comes home saying they are out of gas in their car and have no money for more, I'm not going to give them any money". If they were stranded somewhere, yes, we would help them out. But if they were careless with their money and bought clothes/video games/whatever instead of setting some aside for what they need (gas) we want them to learn their lesson that Mom and Dad aren't always going to be there to help them. When you're on your own and married you can't call on them to pay for your gas can you? Sure we will show them mercy at times, but not every time, that teaches them dependance and taht they always get thier way. Anyway- after Matt said that his Mom says "Well they can come to their grandma and she will buy them gas". It made me so mad we decided to go home. No, my kids will not grow up learning that Gma will do for them what Mom and dad wont. How will they ever learn their lessons?

We are really praying to meet people who support us, or for an opportunity to move somehwere were people do. We just don't think we can stay in Tulsa forever with the mindset his family has. It just drags us down....

Monday, June 26, 2006

I'm in love with another man...

well, a 5 month old boy, that is.

Henry fell asleep on me today. It made me want to cry. He was fussin up a storm so I picked him up, and no sooner than I put his passy in his mouth, his head fell to my shoulder and he was alseep. I didn't think he was ready for a nap seeing as he just woke up a little over an hour ago...I guess our stroll around the neighborhood wore him out.

But just seeing him sleeping on my shoulder was the absolute cutest thing. I wish somebody had been here to take a picture. Made me all that more excited to see Carly in 16 days!!

I live a very blessed life.

Also..new pics are up!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Say it ain't so..

This weekend we celebrate our 2 year wedding anniversary.

I can't believe it's been two whole years! And then I think...it's ONLY been 2 years?

Seems like so long, yet like no time at all.

Our actual 2 years is on Monday, but since we both have to work we are celebrating tomorrow. We're gonna sleep in as late as we want (YES!), have a picnic at the park, relax and read at the park, then later go see United 93 at the DOllar Theater. Doesn't sound like much maybe, but we looooove just chillin at the park. We both love to be outdoors and the park we go to here is AWESOME. So many pretty trees and it's so huge no matter where you sit, you have privacy. ANd we love going to the dollar theater. I dont think we have paid regular price for a movie in forever. Things come to the dollar theater so fast these days it's worth the wait...plus, I can't justify paying 8 bucks for a movie ticket...no movie is ever worth it.

Anyway...Happy anniversary to me! And Mattie!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You've got me feelin' emotions..

Last night while Matt was getting ready for bed I was watching some show on tv...this woman was at her therapist appointment talking about how she is a single mom and is just trying so hard to be there for her kids etc etc....she then started crying and said "I told myself I wouldn't do this" and the therapist says "it's okay to show emotion" and she said "Not to cry....it shows weakness, and that's not good".

It broke my heart to hear that. Why do so many people believe that crying is a form of weakness? It isnt! God gave us these emotions to USE them, not bottle them up and stuff them inside. Crying is just a physical way of letting emotions out. You can't tell me that you don't feel better after a good cry, can you? My mom has always stuffed her tears down and without knowing it she taught me to do that too....then I realized, my tears are coming out for a REASON and just to let myself cry, which I now do on a regular basis. It's a way to show pain, exhaustion, anger, anything. It doesn't mean you are weak.... where do people even get that logic from? I just' dont understand.

I mean did she think her therapist would berate her for crying? Hello she is in THERAPY to help her get a handle on everything, and crying is one of the ways. So what if you cry in a movie! Listen around and you will hear most other people sniffling and crying too. Nobody can see you crying anyway so just get over it. Will your husband think you are weak? Well, I hope not., Mine holds me and lets me snot and cry all over his shirt if necessary. He lets me feel my emotions when I need to.

I just dont get it....

Monday, June 19, 2006

Well, Henry is sound asleep...he is so cute. he put's himself to sleep, its quite amusing. You only have to rock him for like a minute (literally) and he's all ready to go to bed. Just put his little blankie thing on his face and he rubs it on his face and falls asleep...

He had a crazy blowout today. Poop coming out after the diaper was off. Sickness.

I have not been sleeping good at all. I've decided that I suffer from insomnia to a high degree. I just can't sleep for more than a couple hours. Needless to say, I am exhausted.

Only 3 1/2 weeks until the wedding! I am so excited to see my family.

Matt and I have been so busy I feel like I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks...like, literally we finally get to say hey when we are going to bed...and by that point we are so exhausted to the point of falling asleep like as soon as we lay down.

We got a couch and a recliner this weekend! Granted they are 12 year old hand-me-downs from matt's aunt and uncle, but it's still furniture! Now...I want to find a slipcover I like. This upholstery has got to go.

Off to go check on henry and hopefully take a little nap myself...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Henry pics are over here......go, behold the cuteness of him NOW!

This is the day...

Today I start my nanny job..well kinda. I guess it's more a trial run to see if I like it. But, I already know that I will because the kid stole my heart from the minute I saw him. Then again, all kids steal my heart.

I'm really just so excited to be invested into a child's life. I have so much love to give, and it's so neat to be able to love somebody else...to help somebody LIVE! Ya know? What a big responsibilty parents have. I mean they are raising a PERSON. A mini you! It's incredible to me and I cannot wait to be a part of that. But in the mean time, I will take on Henry as my little child. Haha...I'm so excited. His parents are strong Christians, so I don't have to worry about our morals clashing or anything, which is really nice.

His mom seems to think Henry likes me because he wouldn't stop staring at me and smiling. My theory is because my eyes are gargantuan and almost all babys cant stop staring at them. I don't think they've ever seen anything bigger than my eyes. Truly, they are big.

Here's some questions I've had lately, that I've been spending lots of time thinking about the answers to:

1) What if I have a son who wants to take ballet? There are some pro's, many cons. He will eternally be made fun of, called gay, etc etc...what do you do?

2). How can you help your child realize the importance of doing absolutley NOTHING with your boyfriend/girlfriend before you are married. Heck, now I wish I didn't even hold hands with anybody ...but I did. How can you prevent your children from making the same mistakes you did? I can't imagine how my parents must have felt when they found out things about me that I never wanted them to know...how heartbreaking. I mean you can't go sit in on all your childs dates and critique every move they make. Wether you won't allow them to date, kids are still going to find a way to do what they want to do. Such a tough thing, parenting. I can't wait.

Leslie, those pics of Josiah going to Moms day out were so cute! Made my eyes water up. What a big day for him and how exciting it must have been! Plus-- play-doh!!! Awesome!!

Well...I'm off!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

new blog

i started a photo blog to post pics I have taken on there so I can leave this to other stuff...there is a link to it in my profile. I hope you like them! here's a link to it also: my photos

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Workin 9-5...

...What a way to make a livin...

Well, Amy (who I interviewed with) called me today and she wants me to nanny her son! I had originally asked for 10 dollars an hour, but I told her anywhere from 8-10 would be fine. She is offering 8, which isn't too bad for just one kid who basically sleeps most of the day. I am really excited though!! I start next week with just one day a week because I will be gone so much this summer and then when all my trips wind down I will go to 2 1/2 days a week. And she will pay me the same wether I work 2 1/2 days or less a week so that is nice...just a set paycheck every week so we can count on the dinero. Soooo that is really exciting. I can't wait to post a pic of Henry so you all can see how absolutely adorable he is!!

Also....I have been extremely frustrated with shopping for an outfit for the wedding. I had gotten a skirt and some flip flops to wear but I just couldn't find a top...I decided to try super target again and found this super sexy black dress that looks dern good on me if I must say so, and some little strappy black HEELS. Gasp now...I have only worn heels once in my life, and that was at aprils wedding....and i attribute those to part of my near fainting and falling off the alter....

Anyway, matt sure liked the outfit ....I assume so with the "whooo baby" he let out, and I felt good in it so YAY. Now I have something for rehearsal dinner AND the wedding. Thanks to mi madre for buying it!

Dinna time!

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Well, since I'm bascially the only woerner not within 100 miles of the all the other Woerners, I hear most of the news last......which is why I was basically in mourning all day monday to find out Meemaw and Pawpaw sold their house!!

Nobody asked my permission?!!

I seriously just layed on my bed for forever just feeling so sad about it.....I didn't even feel like that when we moved the 3 times my family moved. I mean gosh all the memories I have from their house.."ice skating" on that random tile patch in the basement (which she covered up..WHY!!), our cousin sleep-overs after family reunion....that mini fake pool table she had that Jase and Richard played catch with the balls instead and one of them nailed me right in the eye..us girls crimping each others hair..I remember the adults making us stay in the basement, with the 500878784777309 christmas presents until THEY were ready to open them. They should've made us stay upstairs where we weren't tempted to open them all night long. Oh man just so many fond memories...most of them at christmastime but still....who would've thought that when I was down this past Christmas would be my last one there? If I knew I could've at least said goodbye to the old place....

Oh well. Now my Christmas memories are made at Mom and Dads's house, surrounded by the next generation of Oglesbys/hawbakers/loerkes.....in a couple years we'll all have our own kids that we're sending to the basement to play with the presents while us adults get a break.

Oh life never stops changing. Change may be one of the things I resist most in my life...I hate change. I do not do well around it. My body goes crazy, my emotions get out of wack....really, I mean it took me like 2 months to get over the change of living here in Oklahoma...very far away from my family...no friends here, not knowing where to go or how to get around....

Anyway....Matt's mom works very closely with the woman who interviewed me to nanny her son and she told Mom that she wants to hire me. I am so excited because her kid...oh mygosh he is THE CUTEST THING ever. Carly, to me, is also the cutest thing ever....and so are Leslie and Jojo's kids.....heck, all kids are the cutest things ever to me....but Henry, this baby oh man he stole my heart the minute I saw him. I can't even imagine how I will feel when I have my own child in my arms....

Well....enough for one day.

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Well I dont know what I did to make the pics not line up but oh well.....

We went to a lavender festival this weekend ....it was at a lavender farm/grape vineyard....and obviously, these are the pics I took.....it was fun, and it smelled WONDERFUL because of all the lavender that was there.....

Tomorrow I interview for a nanny position....I really hope it works out cause then I can get new glasses!!! Finally.........contacts give me the hardest time, so it's glasses for me until I can get lasik surgery.....and I've been wearing these glasses since I was 19 so I think it's time for some newbies.

Well.....off to wash dishes or something..

Thursday, June 01, 2006

I love Matt's momma dearly, but she keeps making plans for me and the little girls w/o asking me, and it is driving me crazy!

We can talk to Mary in peru over IM, so I signed on the other day to see if she was online --she wasn't, but Becka (the youngest sister) was. She then IM's me and says "Are we still going to the pool today?"

I was scratching my brain trying to remember when I ever said I would take them to the pool....so I told her...Becka, I never said we would. And she then replies with "Well Mom said if we got done with our stuff you could take us to the pool". I told her to tell Momma that next time she wants to make plans with me she can ask me first.

I have told that to Momma's face too. I mean, she will sit there in front of me and say to the girls "maybe amy can take you to so and so's house or to this place" and I interrupt with "Maybe you can ask Amy before you just go and make plans for her".....

I mean honestly....how hard can it be to just ASK me? I'll most likely say yes because I have nothing else to do. It just drives me crazy sometimes.

Matt is seriously considering going to real estate school and getting his realtors liscense. I think he could sell a house to dead dog, sooo yeah...I think he will be good at it. THe man on the phone told him that most 1st year realtors start out "not making much..only 40 or 50,000 a year"....we were like...well that's double what we make so bring it on! I'm sure you can make less than that or more but so what. We're just tired of this whole mindset everybody has of....gotta get a job, gotta make good money. Where's the fun in that? All that Matt and I want to know is how can we make enough money to retire before we're 30? Does nobody else want that? I just dont understand.

I'm just rambling today.....