Saturday, April 29, 2006

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away..

( I love the Beatles!)

So I actually had a real good time with Matt's mom and 2 youngest sisters yesterday. Thanks for praying guys! I had mega patience, a good attitude, and I wasn't even grumpy! (I had to get up at 4:30 am) We laughed a lot and just had lots of fun.....

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Soo...I fear my last post was a little over dramatic. What the person said to me actually wasn't that big of a deal and I just made it that way- the very thing I am always saying drives me crazy about that person.

Yes, It's Matt's mom.

I need prayer guys- I just can't seem to like his family lately. I mean i love them to death but lately I just can't stand to be around them.

I have this thing where I see characteristics in people that I don't want to have in myself, and the more I notice this character trait the more I don't like/want to be around this person...

So, sorry for all that guys. I guess I'm the one with the character trait that needs adjusting. What happened to unconditional love, anyway?

Also, I want to apologize for whatever I said about Erica and Timmy a few months back. I've since then gotten to know erica a lot better and I really like her alot. She probably isn't the person that I would have picked for my brother- but where does it say that a sister gets to pick her brothers wife? Nowhere. Plus, she loves my bubba and he loves her and I think they will have a good time together. So sorry for all of that too.

But please pray for me. Tomorrow I am going to Oklahoma City with Matt's mom and youngest sister for her Gymnastics Meet- this is going to be an all day affair and I am going to need a lot of patience, especially with the mother in law.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


I hate it when people act like I know nothing about diabetes while they fully know that I do, in fact, know stuff about it.

I lived with a diabetic for 20 years- I think I know what it does, how it affects somebody, what it can do...etc etc...

So don't tell me I don't know anything about it. And don't laugh at me when I talk about it either. And don't try to imitate a seizure. It's really not funny, and it makes me want to punch you.

Just because you're a nurse doesn't give you license to dismiss what I say. Of course, myself living with a diabetic doesn't make the the yoda of diabetes, but I think it's safe to say I know a good deal about it.

You go make a 911 call, you watch your dad inject himself with insulin 3 times I day, you come home from school and have your dad call you a name that isn't yours and know that his sugar is low again, you experience the pain and heartache of seeing your dad have a seizure and know there's really nothing you can do about it. You watch him lose feeling in his feet, you watch him have multiple eye surgerys, you go worry every time he gets sick, or every time your mom leaves the house and fear that something will happen with your dad that you dont have the strength to handle.......

go do all that then you can tell me you know what it's like.

I cant say it to their face, so I had to say it here. Sorry, guys.

Monday, April 24, 2006

TV update..

Thanks for the encouragement Les and Jojo...

matt confessed he wasnt too excited about tv fasting, since we only watch a combined 4 hours a week....well, he does anyways. I usually have tv on while he is at work so I can have background noise..

But we totally forgot about the fast thing and watched Cast Away last night....and I've had the tv on all day because we have had crazy sever storms and I had to know if I needed to take shelter from a tornado (yes, I could have used the radio but we dont even have a cd player- we just use the computer) Soooo......

I really do want to break my tv habit though. I find I watch it a lot when I am bored or matt is studying his stocks....I really truly want to make better use of my time. So pray that I can kick the tv habit cause I soo want/need to!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

"Turn it off it"

That's what my sister used to tell my parents to do when the sun was too bright...she wanted them to turn it off. No, I don't remember her saying that but my parents have told us..

But right now I'm not talking about the week is National Turn Your TV Off week....which gives it away- you're supposed to turn your tv off for a week and the result is spending more time with your family.

Matt and I are gonna give it a seems like every night there is something we want to watch but none of it enriches our lives (maybe Lost does...haha) or makes us feel closer to each other (besides the fact we have no couch and both have to share our big blue chair).....

Anyway, I think it will be good for us.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Sticks and stones may break my bones..

but words can never hurt me.

I never understood what this meant growing up....

What a phrase! Who coined this thing? I have never heard more untruth (is that a word?) in my life!

I was watching Oprah yesterday about "Schools in crisis" and this little girl was saying how she had told her teacher she wanted to be a plastic surgeon when she grew and her teacher responded "Girl you aint never gonna be a plastic surgeon, you're dumber than a bump on a log". I immediately started crying when I heard that- how sad! How can you crush a young childs dream like that! It reminded me of a time in 2nd grade when I answered a question in class incorrectly and my teacher said "No amy. Use some common sense, or dont you have any?". I will never forget those words- they hurt me deeply. My teacher essentially told me I was stupid.

All this has gotten me thinking about the words that come out of my mouth. Not just to children but to everybody. Words and actions are the most powerful forms of communication we have- let's choose to display words of love! THe Lord commands us to anyway...Words can make or break somebodys day, somebodys outlook on themself, somebodys confidence...everything. Words can be life let's just think about the words we say before we say them!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

"Be righteous!"

Growing up, whenever Mom would drop us off anywhere, or whenever we would leave the house, the last thing she would say to us was always "Be righteous!" I always blew this off not taking these words to heart.....

And now here I am, 22 years old, and I find myself telling the munchkins (Matts 2 youngest sisters) to be righteous whenever I drop them off somewhere., They just laugh and look at me funny the same why I did my momma.

And then today I was talking to Mom on the phone and upon saying our goodbyes she said "be righteous!" and I guess I finally listened.

What powerful words that my mom gave me to live by. Live righteously. How hard to do that! Every day is a struggle to act like Christ. ...I stub my toe, I say the "s" word, I eat too much, I act lazy, I grumble and complain about what I dont have when I know that I do have everything I need....

In my teen years I swore to not be like my mom when I am a mother.... but more and more ways I am finding out how great a Momma she was/is. I only hope I can relay words like that to my kids...yelling "be righteous!" when they get out of the car, or telling them "Emmanuel!" ....

This is probably going nowhere but it means something to me...

Momma, even though you dont read this, I love you and you are the best Momma I could have ever asked for! Oh...and I miss you!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Another go round..

Well, I got carried away with my other blog and decided to start over- and this time to post meaningful things. I want to share things I am growing, things I am struggling with, answers to prayer, etc etc.....

So, we'll start with something I learned/observed today:

Well, while sittin on the john (I know, gross) I had nothing but time to kill, so i decided to catch up on my "reading the Bible in a year' plan (which is really sad that I just started last week and I'm already playing catch up)...anyways, I started with Luke chapter 1...and now here I am, stunned.
Okay, so Gabriel the angel came to see Mary, and he told her this:
"Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of His father David; and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."
So he basically tells Mary...look Lady, your son is JESUS! THE SON OF GOD! HE'S GONNA BE PRETTY AWESOME!
And what does she have to say in reply (this is what kills me) " How can this be, since I am a virgin?"
Not "come again? Did you say I am giving birth to the Son of God?" Not "Excuse me, did you really just say that?" Or not even "Pinch me, I must be dreaming", her only concern was how the junk could she be pregnant if she hasnt know..........
I love that! She just totally trusts God and takes Gabriels words to heart, and really is only concerned about being a virgin for like a split second.
What incredible faith she had! To top it off, she was only like .....a teenager. Amazing.
Oh to have faith the size of a mustard seed......!!